One can photograph a person one thousand times.
For nearly fifteen years, my photography has mainly focused on portraiture and live performance.
The uniqueness of a face is not only defined by its curves and singularities:
a portrait is a poem . It must reveal a model's specific mood, through an infinite quantity of potential micro-expressions.
I see photography as a form of live performance in its own right. Labour, ambition and precision make space for emotion and improvisation. Each session is unique and reveals its very own set of unimaginable surprises ready to unfold.
After a formal scientific training as an engineer in mechanical energy in Marseilles, I made the decision of becoming an actor and headed to Paris, where I attended the Florent classes, graduated in 2006. This how I first came to grad a camera in order to create self portraits and capture those of my stage partners. A camera which I never let go of.
After extensive research and personal experimentation in the art of portraiture, I discovered the work of Peter Hurley in 2018. As I marvelled at the creativity and teaching skills displayed by the undisputed HEADSHOT master in New York, this revelation prompted me to train alongside him and Ivan Weiss in London in 2019. The year later, I was granted the immense honour of becoming one of his associate photographers and an active member of his team :
These days, I mainly work from my photo studio in Nice, near the Opera House, Place Massena and the sea front. I also travel for features and on location or home shooting sessions.
I very much look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the studio!
Hopefully see you in a flash!
Guillaume Eymard.